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The tools and resources in the GCA Cybersecurity Toolkits are carefully selected based on strict criteria. Even so, we are always interested in discovering new tools that may provide value to toolkit users. All tools and resources must meet our requirements, outlined in the Toolkit Selection Guidelines document below. If you would like to recommend a tool or resource that meets those requirements, please use the Application for Inclusion form and submit below. For any other questions regarding tool or resource inclusion, please contact us at [email protected].
“Time” defines the approximate time it will take to implement the tool, including installation and setup. Based on your system and experience, the time may be longer or shorter than the time estimated.
Requires minimal technical knowledge to complete setup. Users with little-to-no familiarity with computer systems will still easily be able to implement Level 1 tools.
Requires basic technical understanding of operating systems and settings controls. Users with a basic understanding will be able to easily implement Level 2 tools.
Requires an intermediate level of understanding to implement. Users will need an intermediate understanding of computer systems and code languages.
Requires advanced levels of understanding of computer systems, settings and code languages. Users will need experience with advanced system configurations.
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