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Read the latest insights from the GCA Cybersecurity Toolkit team and our network of partners. Our toolkits have a blog with tailored topics for the communities using our toolkits – journalists, small businesses, and election officials, but the concepts and issues featured are beneficial for the entire cyber community to be aware of.
Some of the interesting stories include:
- Tips for When Cybersecurity News Breaks in a Local Media Market – as cyber attacks become more prevalent, reporters who usually cover issues like healthcare or education are finding they need to familiarize themselves with writing about cybersecurity. This post covers what journalists need to know about covering a cyber event in their town.
- Think Your Startup is Too Small to be Hacked? Think Again. – why even startup founders and entrepreneurs need to consider their cyber risks.
- How California Combats Election Cybersecurity Threats and Disinformation – a look at the threats the state’s election system has faced and how the officials have had to pivot strategies.
Check out the blog link in each toolkit for posts like these and more resources to help you navigate the toolkits.