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The GCA Cybersecurity Toolkit for Small Business was launched two years ago, and I’m excited to announce that it now has it’s very own blog!
So let’s start off by spending a little time reflecting on some of the other features we have added to the toolkit in the last six months – just in case you’ve not visited us for a while:
We gave the toolkit a ‘revamp’ in September 2020 providing small businesses an optional guided experience through the toolkit, taking users gradually through one step at a time – explaining the importance of each step alongside tools, instructions, and resources to implement within their own environment, whilst still keeping the option of diving straight in for businesses that already knew exactly what they were looking for.
We have introduced a learning portal, providing a series of free mini-courses – short explanatory and educational, they provide a straightforward rundown of what’s important alongside real-world examples and some really useful, downloadable checklists! The learning portal is regularly expanded as new courses become available. Each course takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, and they are non-technical in nature.
A handbook has been added and is downloadable from the toolkit homepage – a slightly different perspective and an alternate, complementary media with which to engage.
We have added short introductory awareness videos donated by Wizer Security Awareness Training to many of the toolboxes.
We have reviewed and updated some of the tools.
We have introduced a resource section to the toolkit. The resources are useful additions – guidance and other documents we felt relevant for small businesses to help with implementation. A great example of this would be the No More Ransom project – a lifesaver for many who have found themselves the victim of a ransomware attack, providing the means to decrypt many established ransomware variants to retrieve infected data.
The GCA Cybersecurity Toolkit for Small Business is now available in 5 languages. The German toolkit, launched in April 2020, was developed with the generous support of ICT Switzerland. Indonesian was made possible with local partners MercyCorps and the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth. And of course we have English, Spanish, and French.
We provide regular webinars on the use of the toolkit and general cyber hygiene best practices. We will be holding a three-week Cyber Basics for Small Businesses training series in April in conjunction with our partners the Cyber Readiness Institute.
All these efforts are supported by our community forum which provides a platform to share experiences, ask questions, and offer feedback.
On the blog, over the course of the next few months, we will be taking a look at each toolbox in turn – do work through them with us! We will also be introducing guest blogs from some of our sponsors, partners, and tool providers as well as hearing from small business users of the toolkit!
I’m worn out just reading all of that! Why not grab a coffee and explore the toolkit now that you are here! There may be additional resources since your last visit. This also offers a great opportunity to start on your cybersecurity journey to a safer online business if you have not visited before.
The author, Gill Thomas, is the Community Manager at the Global Cyber Alliance. You can connect with her on LinkedIn.