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Report & Recover.

Coming in 2024: GCA and Amazon will be rolling out a new online solution especially designed for young adults.  Sign up to be notified at launch.

Staying safe while shopping online is as easy as 123:

1. Protect yourself by creating strong complex passwords, set-up two-factor or multi-factor authentication (2FA/MFA) when possible, and using a password manager keeps your complex passwords safe in a vault so you only need to remember one password to access the vault.

2. Be suspicious of false urgency, such as “act now!” You’ve heard of phishing, right? But do you know all the different ways it’s used? Phishing, smishing, vishing, quishing (what on earth is quishing?) Never respond, click on links, or open attachments in emails or texts. And a fake QR code could lead you to a malicious site if you aren’t careful.

3. Report phishing, fraud, and other scams to help others avoid falling victim and to aid in your recovery process.  Find resources from Amazon and others to report scams here.  Check the Better Business Bureau’s Scam Tracker to see if someone has reported a similar situation.

Did you know?

59% of people worldwide experience a scam at least once a month!

Got a minute?

Ready to test your password and 2FA/MFA smarts?

One of the ways phishing scams reel you in –

they present something needing an urgent response not allowing you time to think, investigate, and process.

Sign up to be notified at launch of the new online solution coming in 2024.

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